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The following licenses are held by or on behalf of Guardian, Roebuck and Co.

ALHVAC #91067
AKGen. Contr. – Exc. Res. #675
ARMast. Contr. #0117740415
AZRes. HVAC Contr. #ROC013509, Com. HVAC Contr. #ROC079967, Gen. Com. Contr. #ROC080918, Gen. Res. Contr. #ROC092564, Res. Plumb. Contr. #ROC080304, Com. Plumb Contr. #ROC080305, Res. Elect. Contr. #ROC079952
CAHVAC #25455-C20, Plum.#25455-C36, Elec. #25455-C10, GDO #25455-D28
FLHVAC #CAC1816562, Plumb. #CFC057295, Bldg. Contr. #CBC056075
GAHVAC #CN007596, CARPET #25455-C36, GARAGE DOOR #25455-D28
INCarpet and Upholestry #PC10701057
LAMech./Spec. & Electrical Contr. #5526, Master Plumber #1885
MDMHIC #105057, HVAC #16861
MAHome Imp. #174896, All plumbing and electrical services performed by licensed subcontractors
MIMech. Contr. #7109143
MNRes. Bldg. Contr. #BC155409, Res. Bldg. Contr. Master #QB144133, Mech. Contr. Bond #MB669120, Electrical Contractor #EA673745, Electrical Master #AM008510, Plumbing Contractor #PC644233, Plumbing Master #PM068269
NVNassau County HIC # H1809170000, Rockland County HVAC #P1625, Rockland County HIC #H12181
NYRockland County HVAC #P1625, Rockland County HIC #H12181
NJ(A substantial part of the work which we undertake in the State of New Jersey may be performed by independent licensed contractors or subcontractors)
OHElec. Contr. #46863, Plumb. Contr. #46471, HVAC Contr. #20394
ORGen. Contr. #0001051
RIGen. Contr. #4667
TXHVAC #TACLB00019163E, #TACLB00058467E, #TACLB00059204C, Master Plumber #15949
VAClass A Contr. #27050-57009A
WAGen. Contr. #SEARSR*372NT, Elec. Contr. #SEARSRC890M8
ILNassau County HIC # H1809170000, Rockland County HVAC #P1625
INHVAC #16861
MAContr. #BC155409TACLB00058467E, #TACLB00059204C, Master Plumber #15949
MITACLB00058467E, #TACLB00059204C, Master Plumber #15949
MNRockland County HVAC #P1625, Rockland County HIC #H12181
SCTACLB00059204C, Master CARPET, HVAC #15949
FLRes. Bldg. Contr. #BC155409, Res. Bldg. Contr. Master #QB144133, Mech. Contr

Some services performed by Guardian associates. Other services and installation performed by Guardian-Authorized licensed contractors, additional Guardian license information available upon request. Electrical services not available in NJ.

Guardian, Roebuck and Co. is licensed under the following, and related Ronald A. Katz Technology Licensing, L.P. United States Patents: 5,128,984, 5,561,707, 5,684,863, 5,815,551, 5,828,734, 5,917,893, 5,898,762, 5,974,120, and others.